Monday, August 31, 2009

Steps on how to decide!

  1. Look at your life. What are you frustrated about? What do you NOT want to continue to happen? No one can decide to change without first hating the situation they’re in.
  2. Understand that your life is the result of your decisions. Your life at this moment is the result of hundreds or thousands of decisions that you made (or failed to make) since your youth.
  3. Decide to do something right now to change your life. If the desire to change remains inside of you, and is not outwardly expressed through some sort of decision, it has no power whatsoever. It can’t help you. Change only happens when a decision is made.

Remember that faith is a decision, and a decision is faith. Before I decide anything, I have to believe (have faith) that it will work, and for my faith to work, I have to make a decision to act on it. The Day of Decision is actually the day of faith in action!

PS. When you don’t make your own decisions, someone will end up making them for you. That’s when you complain, saying: “Yea, but I didn’t have a choice.” But the truth is that you took so much time deciding that someone came along and decided for you.

Bishop Renato Cardoso

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